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fine dining restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurant

A revolutionary cloud-based POS system to boost the sales and footfalls of Fine Dining Restaurants.

shape2 Automated Marketing

Switch to SparkResto to power up your dining restaurant business from the day 1.

A fun take on your Restaurant s cuisine with SparkResto data makes customers loyal to your brand.

Sales Pipeline

SparkResto allows you to keep your finger on sales with quick sales report and error-free analysis. Find out the areas for further improvement and increase revenues.

Automate Marketing

The automated email marketing of this CRM makes your Fine Dining Restaurant lead from the front. It supports and print and SMS marketing campaigns to give a great push to your business.

shape2 Alerts & Reminders

Get Mobile

Manage the different branches of your fine dining restaurant by using SparkResto on the mobile device. No complicated configuration required. It facilitates business mobility and increases your income by leaps and bounds.

Alerts & Reminders

SparkResto automatically sends alerts and reminders about important events, appointments, orders placement/cancellation to both restaurant owners and customers for the exchange of services.


What people say

Our customer are our top priorityLet’s hear what they have to say.